
时间:2024-06-13 08:33:37


Unit 10 It's a nice da,isn't it?



cst  crss  lw  sand slw  sewhere  review  traffic  nte  hlida elevatr

bstre  ubrella  nn

l thrugh   浏览

get alng     相信

at least     少

be careful    小心;当心

hate ding sth. 讨厌做某事

tell sb. abut sth. 告诉某人关于某事


1. It’s a nice da,isn’t it?

2. What a nice da,isn’t it?

3. It ls lie rain,desn’t?

4. I hpe s / nt.

5. S d I.




一. 反意疑问句



Mar lies reading,desn’t she?



Mar desn’t lie reading,des she?



u’re a new student,aren’t u?



u aren’t a new student,are u?



1. 如果陈述句有一个助动词(包括can,ust,need等情态动词),其简短问句用同一个助动词。


u haven’t seen that fil,have u?


He can swi,can’t he?


2. 如果陈述部分包含n,never,hardl,few,little,scarcel等否定词,简短问句部分应用肯定形式。


u have n tie n Mnda,have u?


He has never been t Shanghai,has he?


The can hardl iagine hw beautiful she is,can the?


3. 陈述句部分是there be句型时,简短问句部分也用there be。


There are se peple in the r,aren’t there?


4. 在英语口语中,I a后面的简短问句用aren't I?


I’ late,aren’t I?


5. 当陈述句部分含有否定词如nthing,nbd等不定代词时,简短问句部分应用肯定结构。为避免重复,用代词it来代替nthing;用the或he来代替nbd。


Everthing ges well,desn’t it?


Everne is here,aren’t the?


6. 祈使句后面的简短问句使用 will u?wn’t u?wuld u?can u?can’t u? wuld u? shall we?它们不是真正的疑问句(意为请),但常用升调。wn't用于邀请;will,wuld,can,can’t及shall we用来告诉人们该做什么事,表请求。


D sit dwn,wn’t u?


Give e a pen,will u?


Open the dr,wuld u?


Let’s g tgether,shall we?


7. 在 I thin,I believe,I suppse,I guess等结构中,简短问句的主语往往与从句的主谓保持一致,


I thin she’s ut,isn’t she?


I dn’t believe it’s true,is it?





This isn’t urs,is it?


es,it is.


N,it isn’t.


二. 时间介词in,n,at

1. in



in a wee; in Ma; in spring/suer/autun/winter; in 2008; in the 1990’s等。

(2)表示在上午、下午或晚上。如:in the rning/afternn/evening。

(3)in the datie(在白天) 属于固定搭配,指从日出到日落这一段时间,反义词组是in the night。

(4)“in + 一段时间”表示“多久以后/以内”,常与将来时连用。


in half an hur;in ten inutes;in a few das等。

2. n 后面所接的时间多与日期有关。具体用法有:



n Ma 4th,1919;n Mnda;n Teachers’Da;n  birthda;n that da等。



n the rning f ul 2;n Sunda afternn;n a cld winter evening等。

3. at




at six ’clc; at half past nine; at a quarter t six; at this tie等。



at nn;at this ent;at the end f a ear;at the start f the cncert等。

(3)It lasts fr une t August.

三. last  v 持续为延续性动词,可与一段时间及Hw lng 连用


Aerica Civil War lasted fr fur ears. 美国内战持续了四年。

Our hlidas lasted fr ten das. 我们休了十天假。

四. brrw,lend和eep的区别:



I brrwed a b fr the schl librar this afternn.




I can lend  bie t u,but u ustn't lend it t thers.




“Hw lng can I eep the b?”“Tw wees.”



一. 单项填空

1. --- Our aths teacher will g t the cinea with us,_________?

--- es,I thin s.

A. wnt't he

B. will he

C. desn’t he

D. des he

2. Abut ______ f the wrers in the clthes factr are wen.

A. third fifths

B. third fifth

C. three fifths

D. three fifth

3. He has never visited the Great Hall f the Peple,______?

A.hasn’t he

B. has he

C.des he

D.desn’t he

4. We’re ______ her carefull, but we can’t ______ what she sas .

A. listening t,listen

B. listening,hear

C. listening t,hear

D. hearing,listen t

5. I thin _______ gaes is uch better than _______ husewr.

A. t pla;ding

B. plaing;ding

C. t pla;d

D. plaing;t d

二. 单句理解

1. M father staed in Beiing fr less than a wee.

A. He staed there fr 7 das.

B. He was there fr 5 das.

C. He staed there 7 das ag.

D. He staed there fr 10 das.

2. Miss Blac had a shrt rest after lunch.

A. Miss Blac had a wal befre lunch.

B. Miss Blac t a little rest after she had lunch.

C. Miss Blac had a tal after she had lunch.

D. Miss Blac had lunch after she had a little rest.

3. Her grandpa died three ears ag.

A. His granda died three ears ag.

B. Her granda has been dead fr three ears.

C. Her grandpa has been dead fr three ears.

D. It’s thirteen ears since her grandpa died.

4. ate has three ranges,Lil has six,and Linda has re than Lil.

A. Linda has nine ranges.

B. Lil has re ranges than ate.

C. Lil has the fewest ranges f the three.

D. Linda has fewer ranges than ate.

5. Peter didn’t g t bed until eleven last night.

A. Peter didn’t g t sleep all the night.

B. Peter went t bed at eleven last night.

C. Peter didn’t fall asleep at eleven last night.

D. Peter usuall ges int bed at eleven.

三. 根据句意,从方框中选择适当的词语,并以其正确的形式填空

difference,special,lse,thin abut,brea,watch,salt,in an was,repair,enugh

1. There is sething wrng with the achine. It needs _______.

2. Mrs. Brwn led happ when she fund her _______ sn.

3. -- Help urself t se re iazi.

-- N,than u. I have had _______.

4. The are _______ spending the hlida in Shanghai this ear.

5. The _______ cup isn't ine. It's hers.

6. There are se _______ between these tw prbles

7. M father is gd at cing and he can c eals _______.

8. Se peple lie t eat ___ fish because this ind f fish can be ept fr a lng tie.

9. The suit is ______ ade fr the actr.

10.While the fail _______ FIFA Wrld Cup,sene nced at the dr.

四. 完形填空

A an nce had a drea abut the Blac Frest in Geran. In his  1  he was waling in the frest  2  tw en ran ut and tried t thrw hi n the grund. He ran ff as fast as he culd, but the  3 . He reached a place where he saw tw separated(分开的) rads in frnt f hi. One t the right and  4  t the left. Which rad shuld he tae? He heard the tw en behind hi,getting nearer and nearer,and at the sae tie he heard a  5  in his ear. It tld hi t g t the right,and he did  6 . He ran n and sn cae t a sall htel. He was received(接待)there indl and  7  a r,and s he was saved fr the tw en.

Twent ears  8  he was again in the Blac Frest and as happened in the drea nce,tw en ran ut and tried t thrw hi dwn. He ran ff and cae t a place  9  tw rads. He fllwed the drea and t the rad t the right. He sn  10  a sall htel,was taen in, and s was safe. His drea f twent ears befre had saved his life.

1. A. str     B. drea     C. ind      D. hetwn

2. A. where     B. Suddenl    C. until      D. when

3. A. fllwed    B. stpped    C. caught hi   D. went awa

4. A. ne ther   B. ther     C. the ther    D. next

5. A. wrd      B. gt      C. wind       D. vice

6. A. it       B. that      C. s        D. t

7. A. give      B. given     C. gave       D. gives

8. A. ag      B. befre    C. later      D. since

9. A. befre     B. f       C. with       D. between

10. A. left     B. entered    C. reached     D. saw

五. 阅读理解

When we d nt understand each ther's language,we can tal with the help f signs.

A Frenchan was nce travelling in England. He culd nt spea English at all. One da he went int a restaurant(饭店) and sat dwn at a table. When the waiter cae,he pened his uth,put his fingers in it and t the ut again. He wanted t sa. “Bring e sething t eat.”

The waiter sn brught hi a cup f tea. The an ved his head fr side t side. The waiter understd hi and t the tea awa. In a ent he cae with a cup f cffee. But the an again refused(拒绝) it. He sh(摇) his head whenever the waiter brught hi sething t drin,fr drins are nt fd.

When the an was ging awa,anther an cae in. This an saw the waiter,and he put his hand n his stach(胃). That was enugh. In a few inutes there was a large plate f eat and vegetables n the table in frnt f hi.

S,u see,we cannt understand the language f signs as well as we can understand the language f wrds.

1. Accrding t the passage(根据短文),when peple d nt understand each ther's language, the can tal with the help f ___________.

A. a waiter

B. a teacher

C. an Englishan

D. their hands,heads,and ther parts f their bdies

2. A Frenchan signed t the waiter _________.

A. t give hi se edicine

B. t bring hi a cup f cffee

C. t as hi fr fd

D. t tell hi what he said

3. The waiter brught the Frenchan _________.

A. a cup f tea,a cup f cffee and a lt f ther drins

B. a large plate f eat and vegetables

C. a lt f drins and a large plate f eat

D. a lt f fd and drins

4. Anther an saw the waiter,and put his hands n his stach. He eant ________.

A. he had a stach-ache

B. he was hungr

C. he was ver thirst

D. he was full

5. Fr this str,we nw ________.

A. peple can nl understand the language f wrds

B. peple nw the language f signs as well as the language f wrds

C. peple can ae a waiter understand what the want

D. peple can nl understand their languages


一. 单项填空

1. A  英语中反意疑问句有两种形式:一是前为肯定陈述句,后为否定简短问句;二是前为否定陈述句,后为肯定简短问句。两部分的谓语在人称、时态和数上要一致,简略问句的主语要用代词。此题前句肯定,后句必须否定。前句谓语中有will,简短问句必须用will的否定式wn’t。故选A。

2. C  几分之几的表达应是three fifths,即分子是基数词,分母是序数词,分子超过一,分母后面要加s。

3. B  此题考查反意疑问句,由前后时态要一致的原则,选项D、C可排除,又never意为“从不”,故选B。弄清反意疑问句的特点是解题关键。

4. C  listen t强调听的动作 hear 强调听的结果,所以C为正确答案。

5. B

二. 单句理解

1-5  B  B  C  B  B

三. 根据句意,从方框中选择适当的词语,并以其正确的形式填空

1. repairing be repaired

2. lst

3. enugh

4. thining abut

5. bren

6. differences

7. in an was

8. salt

9. speciall

10. are watching

四. 完型填空

1-5 BDACD   6-10 CBCCC

五. 阅读理解

1.D  本文主要是讲人们彼此之间不懂语言时,可惜助手势或示意动作来交流,可见D为正确选择。

2.C  从第二节最后一句话中,可知这位法国人想吃的东西,而不是想喝饮料,所以ABD均不妥。

3.A  通读第三节,我们可发现侍者共给这位法国人端来了一杯茶,一杯咖啡,以及其他饮料,但没有给他任何食物。

4.B  从第四节我们可看出,另一人手势正确,得到了他想吃东西。故B为正确答案。

5.B  本题需要通读全文方可确定,文中例子说明B为正确选择,容易混淆的是C项,其实人们只有正确地使用手势方可使侍者理解,文中法国人便是一例。

