I am convinced that
e.g. I am convinced that you cannot study the mind solely by looking at the discipline of psychology. 我坚信,仅仅局限于心理学学科的学习,是不可能让你有能力去研究人类心理的。
e.g. I hold the opinion that money we save now might be worthless in ten years time. 我认为我们现在存的钱过了十年或许变得毫无价值。
e.g. While many people claim that they thrive in high-stress environments, others work best in some place that is relaxing and tranquil.尽管很多人声称他们在高度紧张的环境下做得不错, 其他人还是在放松和平静的地方工作 得最好。
e.g. Moreover, we should advocate a more frugal lifestyle so as to reduce the growing scale of waste pollution. 此外,我们应该提倡一种更加节俭的生活方式,以减小垃圾污染的增长规模。
e.g. But I personally think a university position is the best, because then you can work on any problem you want. 但我个人认为是最好是在一所大学任职,因为这样你可以做任何你想做的事。
a large number of [加可数名词复数]
e.g. The Europeans have also saved a large number of institutions and the issue of whether those institutions owed American companies money has not come up. 伯南克对此辩护道,欧洲同样要挽救很多金融机构,压根就不存在这些机构有没有欠美国 公司的钱这档子事。
a large amount of [加不可数名词]
e.g. Then you have a huge amount of radioactive gases and particles, and if the primary and secondary containment fails, you have a large amount of radioactive gases escaping into the environment. 这会产生大量的放射性气体和颗粒,如果第一层和第二层安全壳都失效的话,大量放射性 气体便会泄漏到外界。
a host of [加可数名词复数]
e.g. The Tang Dynasty produced a host of great poets, such as Li Bai, Du Fu and Bai Juyi. 唐朝有许多大诗人,如李白、杜甫、白居易等。
the bulk of [加可数名词复数或不可数名词]
e.g. The very wealthy pay the most taxes per person, but the bulk of tax revenue comes from those who are not so wealthy.
e.g.The bulk of Indian investments were in Nigeria.印度的大部分投资在尼日利亚。
a majority of [加可数名词复数]
e.g. A majority of school kids graduate unable to communicate in languages that they study for 10 or more years.大多数孩子毕业的时候不能用他们已经学了 10 年或者 10 几年的语言交流。
a minority of [加可数名词复数]
e.g. A minority of shrewd billionaires have succeeded in prospering despite the tumultuous conditions.有少数精明的亿万富翁得以在动荡的环境中获取成功。
in contemporary society
e.g. Social scientists, for their part, can help philosophers determine which Confucian values are most effective in contemporary society. 社会学学者从自身领域出发可以帮助哲学家确定哪些儒家思想对当下社会最为有益。
at present
e.g. Many things in the country are now waiting to be done, but at present they are not able to do the things all at once.
这个国家现在是百废待举, 但目前他们还不能做到百废俱兴。
Currently, as we see inflation go down , this trend is appropriate and should be maintained for now.现在就像我们看到的,通胀降低了,这个趋势是恰当的,当前应当维持。
in recent decades
But he said the focus of world attention had necessarily shifted in recent decades, towards China and South Asia. 但他还说道在最近几十年,全球目光的焦点几乎已经转移到中国和南亚了。
an increasing/growing number of +可数名词复数=越来越多的
e.g. These efforts are in response to an increasing number of food safety problems and rising consumer concerns.
e.g. In the 21st century, an ever growing number of parents are taking a little time out of their week to practice yoga.
21 世纪的父母正从忙碌的工作中抽出一小部分时间来锻炼瑜伽,并且这一人数还处在空前 的增长中。
e.g. The contradictions are becoming increasingly acute.
e.g. This region is becoming increasingly important both strategically and economically. 这个地区的战略地位和经济地位变得越来越重要了。
e.g. Libraries are an essential part of this process, providing the only access for those who do not have the resources to purchase or access books and information on their own. 图书馆是在这个过程中一个必不可少地部分 为那些靠自己无法获得资源或者接触书籍和 信息的人,提供了唯一的.途径。
e.g. It is vital to your mind, soul, body and your life on the whole that you stay in the present with all your thoughts and feelings. 总得来说,认识到自己所有的想法和感受都存在于现在,这对你的心理、灵魂、身体和你 生命是非常重要的。
e.g. In the US one of the most influential and lucrative professions is law, a field in which writing skills are indispensable.
e.g. He developed an overwhelming desire to exert power—to dominate, control and possess another person.他发展出了压倒性的权力欲望——去支配、控制和占有另一个人。
e.g. This decision represents the fundamental interests of the people. 这个决定反映了广大人民的根本利益。
e.g. United Nations is an indispensable organization, but an organization that can only work because of the staff and their contribution and your dedication. 联合国是一个必不可少的组织,但也是一个全因有了其全体职员的贡献及他们的奉献才能 运作的组织。
e.g. A major reason to do this is to enhance the opportunities for our students. 这样做的一个主要原因是它可以增加本校学生的机会。
e.g. And there must be no doubt: As America’s first Pacific President, I promise you that this Pacific nation will strengthen and sustain our leadership in this vitally important part of the world. 毫无疑问,作为美国的首位心系太平洋的总统,我向你们承诺,这个太平洋国家将增强并 持续保持我们在世界这一极其重要地区的主导地位。
e.g. The meeting discussed how to promote cooperation between the two countries. 会议讨论了如何促进两国的合作。
e.g. It will also boost our exports of airplanes, machinery, technology and other products. 它还将促进我们的飞机、机械、技术和其他产品的出口。
e.g. To understand this tale, we have to start with an apparent mystery. 为了能理解这个故事,我们要先看一个明显的费解之事。
e.g. Remarkable economic results have been achieved.取得了显著的经济效益。
e.g. Because the need for global cooperation is becoming more evident with every succeeding year, the need for creating global classrooms to facilitate such collaboration is apparent as well. 由于人们对于全球合作的需求正变得越来越明显,所以为了促进这样的合作而创建全球化 教室的需求也是很明显的。
e.g. The newspapers gave prominent coverage to the news.各报在显著位置上登载了这条消息。
e.g. Life is exceedingly brief. 生命是极其短暂的。
e.g. We are particularly grateful to him for his timely help. 我们特别感谢他的及时帮助。
e.g. Therefore, the funding for the park and museum should be increased significantly. 因此,拨给这个公园和博物馆的基金应该大幅增加。
e.g. It will be necessary to pare this budget down considerably. 有必要大大地削减这笔预算。
e.g. But China, in fact, is enormously important to the world’s food supply, especially if something goes wrong. 但中国,对世界粮食的供应其实是非常重要的,特别是出现问题的时候。
e.g. This representation was overwhelmingly successful, and many of the top chess computers of today use this representation scheme because it optimizes the advantage of the 64-bit processor. 这种表示法获得了压倒性的成功,很多顶级国际象棋计算机都使用这种表示方案,因为它 充分利用了 64 位处理器的性能。
e.g. Public panic always vastly increases the social disruption and costs of an outbreak, especially when tourism and trade are affected. 公众恐慌会极大地加剧疫情对社会的冲击和造成的代价,尤其是影响旅游业和贸易。
e.g. The fire was entirely caused by their neglect of duty.
it is very likely that...
e.g. It is very likely that anything negative you say about your boss will eventually reach his/her ears.
it is predicted that...据预测
e.g. It is predicted that there would be more and more such hot-islands as Beijing in China as global climate keeps on changing, urbanization speeds up and cars become more popular. 据预测,随着全球气候变化、城市化进程的加速和汽车的普及,中国将有越来越多像北京 这样的“热岛”产生。