Inviting/ Offering
We should like to invite you...
We should be very pleased if you could...
We should be delighted if you could...
Thank you (very much) for your (kind) invitation to...
It was very kind of you to invite me to...
I was delighted to receive your invitation to...
I would be very pleased to...
I should be delighted to...
Unfortunately, due to ......, I am unable to......
内容点 Thanking Ms Goddard for her letter
accepting the invitation to visit the company
accepting the invitation to the theatre saying the date are unsuitable and explain why
suggesting an alternative date
Dear Ms Goddard,
With reference to your letter of November 3, I am writing to thank you for your kind invitation.
I would be very pleased to accept your invitation to see Trackplus’s production facilities. I would also be interested in meeting your colleagues at Head Office, the design team in particular. I should also be delighted to accept your offer of arranging for me to see a play in the West End.
Unfortunately, due to a business trip abroad, I am unable to come to England at the end of November as you suggested. However, as I feel it is important that we meet before Christmas I would be grateful if you could tell me if the second week of December would be suitable for you?
I look forward to hearing from you again.
Yours Sincerely
Paolo Fellini