
时间:2024-02-08 11:45:36




  问题解决型论说文结构模式 提出问题→分析原因→我的对策或看法 问题解决型论说文常用句型

  一:引出话题的常用句式 1.Although … has brought convenience to us, many people have begun to realize that it is the source of trouble as well.

  2. Recently, the rise in the phenomenon of … has drawn / aroused / captured worldwide attention.

  3. Recently, the issue / problem / question of … has been brought into focus / brought to public attention / posed among public attention.

  4. In recent years, many cities / nations / people have been faced / troubled with the serious problem of …

  5. With the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems 2 are brought to our attention.

  6. Thanks to China’s reform and opening-up policy, the past two decades have witnessed great economic development and social transformation. 7. It is undeniable / There is no denying the fact that … has become the utmost concern among people nowadays. 二:


  1. What has possibly contributed to this problem? In the first place … In the second place… 3

  2.It is no easy job to identify the reasons for … which involves several complicated factors. For some … For others …

  3. A number of factors could account for / lead to / contribute to / result in …

  4. This problem may result from / be attributable to / be largely due to a combination of factors.

  5. The explanation for this phenomenon involves many complex reasons. For one thing… For another …

  6. Some people may think that … is to blame for this problem, but its causes go still / far deeper.

  7. Admittedly, it may create / give rise to / bring about a host of problems.


  1 . People have found many solutions / approaches to dealing with this problem.

  2. We can figure out many ways to relieve the present crisis.

  3. Then, how should we solve this problem? Here are some suggestions, which may be of some help

  4. Faced with …, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.

  5. It is high time that …. Here are a few examples of some of the measures that might be taken immediately. 6.It is essential / in dispensable that proper actions / effective measures should be taken to reverse this situation / trend.

  6. It is hoped / suggested that considerable / great efforts should be directed to / focused on …

  7. No effective / simple solution can be at hand / in sight to resolve / tackle the problem of … But the general awareness of the importance of … might be the first step in the right direction.



  用于表示因果关系或分析原因的过渡词due to, owing to, as a result, therefore, so, thus, consequently, accordingly, as a consequence, in consequence of, for this reason, among... reasons, in that等等。

  (1) Criticism and self-criticism is necessary in that it helps us to find and correct

  our mistakes.

  (2) In consequence of your laziness and rudeness, I am forced to dismiss you.

  (3) The new machine will work twice as fast, thus greatly reducing costs.

  (4) Due to the fact that all the trains were delayed, the station was crowded with people.

  (5) Computer vandals can cause real damages. As a consequent/ as a result, the public is taking a serious look at the security of computer systems.

  (6) In a word, great changes have taken place in my English learning since I went to university. Therefore, I have a good English language education and I am confident that I can master the language well gradually.

  (7) The Eskimo language is one of the most difficult in the world to learn, with the result that almost no traders or explorers have even tried to learn it. Consequently/Accordingly, there has grown up a jargon (术语) similar to the pidgin English used in China.

  (8) Born and bred in the city, we cannot see any wild animals, and the program just compensates for it. It provides us with natural scenes and the life of all kinds of wild animals with the explanation of the narrator. We also learn some knowledge about animals, even some plants. So, in my opinion, it is an interesting as well as instructive program.

  (9) The factory was burned down last night; for that reason/ on that account many workers were thrown out of employment. (10) Production this year has increased by 30%. In that case, we can present you with a

  satisfactory report.

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic College English Teaching in China. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

  1. 有人认为中国的大学英语教学很不成功 (如:大学英语毕业生英语说不好,听不 懂, 写不出) 2. 认为失败的原因是…… 3. 你的建议

  College English Teaching in China Nowadays, there are more and more people complaining that English teaching at college is a complete failure. After four-year English learning, most graduates can’t properly communicate with foreigners, nor can they translate between languages, let alone write in English. Where do the problems lie? To some extent, I think, it is reasonable for those people to say so. To begin with, English teaching at college is, in a large degree, teacher14 centered.

  It is still not uncommon in the classroom that the teacher explains every language point in detail, while students take notes at times. Secondly, culture is neglected in English teaching because of poor text design. With a great deal of grammar and structure exercises in the textbook, students are misled into memorizing a large vocabulary and a lot of English rules. Few students know how, when and where to use them properly. Finally, test-oriented education, in a sense, misleads and

  impedes college English teaching in China. For instance, college English Test Band Four / Six


  is so overemphasized in some colleges that teachers strive to meet the needs of the test, sacrificing learning for the sake of test results, and students only learn how to pass the examination. In conclusion, Chinese college English teaching is to be reformed. English teaching should be student-centered, culture should be introduced in language teaching, and textbooks should be well designed to arouse students’ interest in learning to communicate in English.


  Writing Directions: For this part you are allowed 40 minutes to write a composition on the topic Should Class Attendance Be Required? You should write no less than 200 words and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 许多大学都实行上课出勤点名制。 你认为有无必要实行这种制度? 为什么?


  Now read carefully through the writing strategy on P.101 in your books for five minutes. (对照作文题目,阅读以下这段话) 注意作文的审题--这篇作文要求以现象法 开头,引出是赞成还是反对点名制

  这个主题。 文章的重点应放在第二问和第三问的理由的 论述上。最后以两三句话得出结论,且与第 一段提出的主题呼应。


  互联网为用户提供了许多基本的服务,包括 数据传输、电子邮件以及获得远程数据库信 息的能力。 我不明白这些蔬菜到底怎么了,因为早上摘 的时候还是新鲜的。 几年后,回首在这里度过的这些日子,你会 把它当作最珍贵的经历。 春节过后,许多民工为找到一份工作从一个 城镇涌到另一个城镇。 有些人认为拥有枪支的人越多,犯罪率就越 高,然而其他人的'想法则刚好相反。


  The Internet offers users a number of basic services including data transfer, electronic mail, and the ability to access information in remote database. I can’t figure out what has happened to the vegetables, for they were freshly picked this morning. Several years later when you look back on these days spent here, you will always regard it as the most precious experience.


  After Spring Festival a lot of migrant workers wandered from town to

  town looking for a job. Some people think crime will be going up with more and more people having guns, while others just hold the opposite view.

  Oral Practice (P. 100)

  为什么美国始终不能禁枪? 为什么美国始终不能禁枪?试从文化和制度 两个方面分析。 两个方面分析。 The following are suggested ideas:


  Why We Are For Gun Control The argument about gun control has never stopped. Some people contend that gun control of the government was an excess restriction of citizen liberty. But in my opinion, it is very necessary in our country at this time. Firstly, in terms of bating crimes, strict control of gun can decrease gun crimes and is beneficial to social stability. The practices of gun control in our country were efficient in the past several years and the number of violent


  crimes that have something to do with gun went down considerably. Recently, our police department has uncovered a big case associated with illegal gun manufacturing in Jiaozuo of Henan Province, finding out over

  3,000 illegally manufactured guns and eliminating a serious latent danger of society.Then, strict gun control can also effectively prevent the policemen from gun abuse, so that citizens' rights will be protected better. 23

  Moreover, these years, in several countries whose gun control was very lax, the shooting affairs in school happened more and more frequently. It is a red alarm. In a word, we should support the government in gun control. It is good for the whole society. Advantages of Being a … 1.很多人和我一样,从事着我现在的工作,如 很多人和我一样, 很多人和我一样 从事着我现在的工作, 2.我喜欢这个职业的原因 我喜欢这个职业的原因 3.我的结论 我的结论

